National Library Week

by Vicky on April 20, 2010

Well, actually National Library Week was last week, but we were so busy at my library that I’m just now coming up for air.  On Snapshot Day, the photo that got away was the huge throng of people waiting to get in the library when it opened.  I thought, “Oh, it’s a flash mob!”  There must have been 30 people jammed up outside the doors, all dressed in bright colors, including one person with a huge multicolored golf umbrella.  It was a Kodak moment if there ever was one.  Unfortunately, my boss (who had the camera) got called away to deal with something and I did NOT want to delay opening the door!

The day before tax day, there were a lot of people needing to use the library computers to file their taxes.

I ran across this cool video by thewikiman:

I can’t wait to play around with xtra normal!

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