I finally had a chance to read The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, by Tom Angleberger, over the weekend, and, after finishing it, I spent the rest of the weekend obsessively folding multiple origami Yodas, from simple to complex.
This book is indeed “reluctant reader platinum,” as one reviewer raved, but I have to admit that I (a discerning and book-loving adult) found the book awesome too.
How often do children’s books have colophons??? From the sturdy construction and doodled cartoons to the well chosen typefaces and various crumpled, torn, and dog-eared paper effects for each page (which become origami crease patterns on the pages with directions for folding your own Origami Yoda), this is a beautifully designed book.
It’s the story of geeky Dwight—math whiz, free spirit, total loser, and origami master—who carries Origami Yoda, a finger puppet, around on his finger. Origami Yoda knows things that Dwight couldn’t possibly know. He sees the future, solves problems, and offers advice with the wisdom of a Jedi master. Or does he?
Is Origami Yoda real? That’s the burning question that causes Tommy to start collecting a case file on Origami Yoda. He needs scientific evidence, because he needs to know if he should risk making a fool of himself for the cool girl he really likes.
I myself started to have utter faith in the verity of Origami Yoda by the end of the second chapter, “Origami Yoda and the Embarrassing Stain.” Kellen, creator of the doodles that appear through the case file, gets an embarrassing stain on his pants (never mind how). The warning bell rings, and he has one minute to get to class. He can’t afford to be late again, and he can’t face the ridicule that will be his (not to mention total disdain from every girl!). But Origami Yoda saves the day!
If you love origami and Star Wars with a passion that is pure and true, you will love this book. If you are a person who has ever gone to middle school, or who might have to go to middle school some day, you will love this book. If you are a person who likes to laugh, you will love this book.
If you want to learn how to fold Origami Yoda, Tom Angleberger will show you how in this video!
Would you prefer personal training from origami masters? Join the Origami Cool Zone at the Tony Hillerman Library in Albuquerque. The next meeting is this coming Saturday, September 4, from 4-6 p.m. We’ll be learning Back to School Origami, including gum wrapper chains, a chomping T-Rex head, and Origami Yoda! All ages welcome are. (When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not.)
To see something really cool, click the image below.
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