One Planet, Many Puppets: Shadow Puppets

by Vicky on June 28, 2011

For our first session of the One Planet, Many Puppets workshop, we looked at several examples of shadow puppetry, particularly the wayang kulit tradition in Indonesia, the work of Lotte Reiniger, and modern shadow puppetry in the United States.

In the week since we debuted Stuart’s beautifully constructed shadow theater at our SRP kick-off, he had added a number of finishing touches that made it even more spectacular!

The kids really got into designing and constructing their puppets, and they loved trying them out in the theater.  We shot some video, which is coming soon!

They also got to take home some Indonesian wayang kulit designs, courtesy of the Museum of International Folk Art.

Check out some of our cool shadow puppets: Dog, Monkey, Dragon, Cherries, and Tree!

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