Origami Boat Regatta!

by Vicky on June 15, 2010

I had been a bit worried that our regulars in the Origami Cool Zone might find simple boats too elementary and not sufficiently challenging.  But how could i forget that one of the many charms of origami is the simplicity, elegance, and frugality of the traditional designs?  Like music, paper folding is an art that transcends language and allows people to connect through a shared experience.

We had our usual large crowd for the Origami Cool Zone.

And the boats were a big hit!

It was an extremely hot day, but quite a few people — and all of the kids — took their boats outside to test their seaworthiness.  We had set up two large tubs full of water, and we passed out straws so people could blow their boats around.  There was an intermittent stiff breeze that also kept the boats in motion.

Playing with boats is amazingly relaxing.  Everyone was enjoying themselves so much that we had a hard time getting them to leave at closing time.

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