How Anansi Got His Stories

by Vicky on January 2, 2012

My arrival at my new job coincided with a storytime hiatus, so I was suffering a bit from storytime withdrawal!

Imagine how glad I was to receive an invitation to visit the Cedarhome Elementary School, where the third grade was learning about storytelling and puppetry!  I decided that the perfect story to tell them was the African folk tale, “How Anansi Got His Stories.”

I had a pair of black gloves, so I transformed one of them into Anansi.  I also had to make a very large Snake!

The kids were enthusiastic and engaged and full of great questions.  And nearly all of them had library cards!

They think the library is AWESOME!

And so do I.

The third graders of Cedarhome Elementary School are pretty awesome themselves. 

Here is the beautiful Spider puppet thank-you card they gave me!

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