I Broke My Trunk!

by Vicky on May 16, 2011

May 6 marked the premier performance of the Tony Hillerman Library Story Theater at our Page Presents class!

While we were chuckling over Mo Willems’ marvelously silly book, I Broke My Trunk, Gail (our adult services librarian) got the idea that we should present a readers’ theater performance of it.  Especially since our personalities rather closely match that of Elephant and Piggie.

So we had a ball bringing the story to life, wearing the Gerald and Piggie masks I made for us—out of paper plates, naturally!

As you can see, this also inspired a new READ poster in my continuing series!

Afterwards, the kids could choose to make an Elephant mask or a Piggie mask. I was a little worried that a disproportionate number would prefer one over the other and that there might be tearful expressions of woe.  But happily I had enough for everyone, with an equal distribution of Elephants and Piggies.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

katie October 30, 2011 at 11:28 am

The masks are absolutely adorable! I don’t suppose you have a template, or could share how you made the snouts and trunks? Thanks!

Vicky January 4, 2012 at 12:07 am

Hi Katie, and thanks! The snouts are pink foam and the trunks are toilet paper tubes covered with grey construction paper with a piece of grey foam stuck in the end to make it longer. Since all of the shapes are circles, ovals, triangles, or slightly rounded rectangles, it’s easy to make your own templates!

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