Origami Star Books!

by Vicky on December 7, 2010

The December Origami Cool Zone at the Tony Hillerman Library featured star boxes and star books!

First we made star boxes.  This was good practice for the star books, since they also begin with a square base.

After everyone had mastered the star box, we made a star book

I found some beautiful marbled paper at the art supply store.  Some people didn’t even believe that it was actually paper, which just goes to show you that we should teach more workshops on book-binding!

And paper-making, too.

The star book looks like a book when it is closed…

But then…

it unfolds…

and it looks like a star…

…when it is open!

Star books make impressive gifts, but they are surprisingly easy to make.

In the photos below, you can see how well everyone’s star boxes and star books turned out!

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