Storytelling and Music at Book Fair and Family Literacy Night!

by Vicky on November 29, 2010

In mid-October, I performed with my boss and musical partner, Linda Kennedy, at two outreach events.  The first was a book fair at Barnes & Noble, benefitting children’s programs in the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Library System, and the second was Family Literacy Night at the Inez Elementary School.

We played music and I told stories at both events.

At the school I also led a workshop on online homework help and other electronic information available through our libraries’ website.

At the book fair, I told “Unanana and the Enormous One-Tusked Elephant,” and I told Halloween stories at the family literacy night.

The storytelling space at the bookstore, which represented the Hundred Acre Wood from the Winnie the Pooh stories,  was beautiful and had wonderful acoustics!

We advertised our new after school program at the family literacy night, and several new kids and their families started attending regularly!

We were thrilled to meet the school librarian, Linda Raybould, who is really cool, and we are looking forward to working together more closely with her.  Family Literacy Night was a big success, and we were so happy that we were invited to be a part of it!

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